School Profile

Founded in 1956

Operated by St. James the Less Parish and Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary


Age 1 through Grade 8


Diverse student body of 400+ students

Head of School

 Sister Joan Felicia O'Reilly, IHM, Principal; Erika Minnis, Assistant Principal

Head of Church

Father Daniel Firmin, Parish Pastor; Father Peter Lanshima, Parochial Vicar

Faculty and Staff


Our Values

The faculty and staff are dedicated to promoting peace by encouraging students to live prayerfully, morally, and responsibly. St. James Catholic School strives to incorporate the Gospel message into its work while also promoting the four purposes of a Catholic education: message, community, worship, and service.
St. James Catholic School reflects a family spirit that strives to support and encourage interaction within the community to provide for the needs of others.


St. James Church and School encourages strong community ties between the parish and school communities. St. James School greatly benefits from the guidance and support of its pastors and parish members.

St James Our Values

By the Numbers


Years of Service
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